Friday, September 09, 2005


I'll probably be more reflective later but these are some things running in my head from the first week:

  • one child wrote that her least favorite subject was bedtime
  • a family decided to send in their older child yesterday (we started Wednesday) but the one in my class won't be in until Monday. For no clear reason. Ugh!
  • off and on all day today one boy kept asking me what flavors of ice cream would be at our summer reading celebration. even though I hadn't seen the woman buying it since Weds.
  • when they had finished their reading work, a group of kids voluntarily selected the Magic Treehouse books on the Olympics and started taking turns reading them together like their own little reading group
  • how eager they are to spread out on the floor to read or write and they do it quietly!
  • the crazy names for our Betta fish and stuffed armadillo: Snapper Sharpedo & Carribean Dallas (last names are the second place winner)

I know there's more but that's for later when my brain is working better.

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