She's also become a bit more persnickety about her food. I made some delicious pear zucchini soup the other day (sounds strange, maybe but it's delicious). We had it for lunch and she liked the first few bites but then refused to eat it from the spoon. Refused to the point of flinging the full spoon off the high chair. So, I put some pieces of bread in the soup and she happily ate those herself, very messily. I then got the bright idea to clean up her mess while she was eating and she leaned over and grabbed my hair with her soupy fingers!
I think I'm learning from all of this that I can't get too comfortable with any one way of doing things because soon enough she'll change on me. The reverse is also true--if I don't like how things are going, I just need to wait a bit and they'll change by necessity. For example, when E. was first born, I had trouble cooking because she always needed to eat or be held or changed or something. Later, she was happy to be in the swing while I cooked. But then that didn't work so I had to have her on the kitchen floor. Next, she would only stay in her high chair while I cooked. Now, she's liable to wreck havoc wherever I put her in the kitchen so I'm not sure how to cook. But I guess that will change too at some point.